(0361) 8481303
Pecatu Shooting Club Bali
Pecatu Bhayangkara Shooting Range is developed by PT. Bali Pecatu Graha, the managing company of Pecatu Indah Resort, in order to elevate the occupancy rate of accommodation within the area by creating a new and unique activity for visitor. The breakthrough is a leisure sport facility for reaction shooting (IPSC Standard) which is the first of its kind in the island of Bali so it may attract more visitors to come to Pecatu Indah Resort . In order to support the shooting ranges activities and professionally reach its main objective, ” Pecatu Shooting Club ” is officially formed.
Pecatu Bhayangkara Shooting Range was inaugurated on August 26, 2017 by the chief of Bali Police, Inspector General Dr. Petrus R. Golose. This shooting range is the only shooting facility in Indonesia that is developed and operated by private company. In order to support the shooting range activity, Pecatu Shooting Club was formed. It’s first activity was organizing a level 2 IPSC championship titled ” Kapolda Bali Open Championship” which was held on August 25 to 26, 2017.
Our Facilities
24 shooting bays with various shooting distances specifically designed for reaction shooting completed with a Club House providing a safe locker room, weapon & ammunition storage, spectators viewing deck, rest room and VIP lounge.
Reaction Shooting
Beside as shooting facility for members, Pecatu Shooting Club Bali also opens for public who has interest in reaction shooting with a real weapon and a live ammunition under supervision from a licensed professionals.
For members and reaction shooting enthusiasts who wants to challenge their skill by competing with shooters from Indonesia or foreign shooters, Pecatu Shooting Club has competition schedule in national and international level.